CTW13 microprocessor control is a specialized device for controlling the dryer. The controller can control and monitor the temperature in the range of 10 to 80 ° C and humidity in the range of 5% to 99%. The ranges of temperature and humidity can be increased depending on the needs of the customer.
The accuracy of measurement depends on the temperature and humidity sensors of the parameters used. The machine is designed for electric and electric motors single-phase or three-phase. The number and engine heater power is dependent on the applied power switching elements. Switching elements can be contactors and electronic power switches, motors and heaters incorporating the "zero" voltage, which greatly contributes to the prolongation of the motors and heaters.
The controller has a simple operation of all parameters such as the temperature is maintained, the threshold humidity, air circulation period to the left or right, it's time for breaks fans and working time dryers are easily entered using the keyboard.
The driver is protected to prevent the introduction of abnormal parameters of the dryer. CTW13 driver during the drying process can change the threshold automatically maintained humidity, temperature, time fans and rest time fans. These changes take place in accordance with a predetermined characteristic of the program called the drying process. Characteristics of the drying process consists of up to 5 steps (time intervals). For each stage, you can ask different size threshold of humidity, temperature, time and time fan breaks fans. Each step can have a different duration. Predefined characteristics can be saved to permanent memory controller to the selected number. The controller can store 9 or request more different characteristics.
Specifications and Features: